Attend the next BOOST by Born Just Right
A key mission of Born Just Right is to raise awareness about the power of design and STEM education. It also works to build support and grow a community for kids and parents that fosters learning. The learning happens best during our BOOST by Born Just Right workshops. Our most recent one happened last year in San Francisco. It’s time to announce our next one!

The Helping Hands Winter Outing is this weekend! Jen and Jordan get to add to the excitement by sharing details about our next design workshop.
Sign up for the next BOOST workshop
April 13-14, we are holding a two-day mini-BOOST event for kids ages 10+. If you’re interested in attending, please fill out this form! We’ll get back to you soon to share more details about the workshop.
Helping Hands helped us host a one-day event back in 2017 and we are so excited to launch another event in the Cambridge, MA area this year. Our workshop matches up with the first two days of the Cambridge Science Festival, so there’s a lot of learning that can happen that weekend!
Our most recent workshop led to some really neat prototypes… including a couple we’ve featured recently: Sydney’s BMX LED arm and Anaiss’ Wheelchair BOOST. You never know what can happen with a couple of days full of creativity! Visit the BOOST by Born Just Right website to learn more details!
We are always looking for extra sponsors and volunteers. Let us know if you’d like to pitch in and help (with your time and/or financial support) during this workshop!
i reallywish i had a 3-D printer