The Power of our Networks

thank you

Jordan is using the force she built to thank you for your support of our petition!

Our personal networks are powerful. If we rally all of them together, we can make an impact. That’s what is very possible as we work to catch American Girl’s attention with our petition. We’re so close to 1,000 signatures!

Since launching the campaign, I’ve had some wonderful people reach out to me with some smaller businesses that offer dolls with limb difference options. I’ve written about one some of them before, including Sew Able dolls which offer a prosthetic leg option. It’s very cool and worth checking out. As I’ve written before, I’m so glad we have smaller businesses offering these options. But we’d love for a large, mainstream brand to consider physical differences as something all kids can see and purchase in stores.

It took fewer than 5,000 signatures to launch a new Diabetes accessory for American Girl dolls. A limb difference request is going to take even more work to catch the attention of American Girl leadership. Your effort to get the word out is greatly appreciated. Jordan and I want to say, thank you for harnessing the power of your networks! Let’s see if we can get 2,000 signatures by the time American Girl leaders return to work on January 4th.

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