Our "limb differences aren't scary" campaign

A little later this month, I plan to work with a collection of bloggers who are helping spread the word that limb differences aren’t scary. Why not tie our positive focus on limb differences leading up to Halloween? I’m hoping this is a chance to raise more awareness about Camp No Limits by giving everyone a chance to donate at least $5 to Camp No Limits to win one of more than 15 type of raffle items.

Camp No Limits is the limb difference family camp we’ve attended every year since Jordan was three. She loves it and we love it. The whole family gets support and knowledge about the limb difference world.


Hands in for camp!

Check out this raffle awesomeness. There are many wonderful people and organizations donating cool stuff:

Before I share this with everyone else in the blogosphere, you get the first chance to donate to Camp No Limits and get your name into the raffle! All it takes is to donate at least $5. You get an additional raffle entry for every additional $5 you donate. If you donate more than $50, just add it up and enter the raffle again at another pay level. (For example, if you donate $100, put your name in under the $50 level along with the $25, $15, and $10)

How do you do it?
STEP 1: Go to Born Just Right’s Camp No Limits 2015 Fundraiser
STEP 2: Donate to camp
STEP 3: Return to this page and fill out your information this raffle box
STEP 4: Wait for Halloween and the big raffle drawing

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thank you for joining in on this fundraiser. This is the first time I’ve taken a raffle experience online, I’m excited to see us spreading the word about camp and how limb differences aren’t scary. Differences help teach us all how our global view of “perfect” is wrong. Knowing we can all go about our lives in different ways and still succeed is a pretty awesome lesson to learn.



  1. Sarah Wise on October 7, 2014 at 9:26 am

    This camp is such a great thing. I wish I could bring my son there. He would love it beyond words. This is so fantastic. I wish they had things like this for my son Tehran in our area 🙂

    • Jen Lee Reeves on October 7, 2014 at 10:27 am

      I wish there was a Camp No Limits for him as well, Sarah!

  2. Sarah Wise on October 7, 2014 at 9:27 am


  3. Annie on October 8, 2014 at 9:36 pm

    Jen. Just saw the Swiffer commercial with the limb different dad. Thought it was great. You?

  4. Colton's Mommy on October 10, 2014 at 11:59 am

    Thank you thank you, so much, for what your are doing here. Just love it!

  5. ProstheticMedic on October 20, 2014 at 9:31 am

    I would love to join the blog campaign. Message me with details.

  6. […] put their name in under the $25 level twice.) You can see the collection of raffle items over at Born Just Right. Thank you in advance for helping Jen and Jordan reach their goal to help kids attend this […]

  7. A Quiet Blog Means a Busy Life | Born Just Right on November 4, 2014 at 12:42 pm

    […] we juggle all of the fun and excitement, this is our last week for our “Limb Differences Aren’t Scary” campaign to raise money for Camp No Limits. You can check out all of the raffle prizes here. […]

  8. How Scary is Too Scary | Born Just Right on November 4, 2014 at 1:59 pm

    […] because after spending most of this month encouraging other bloggers to share details about how Limb Differences Aren’t Scary… Jordan has decided to be really scary this year for […]

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