Knowledge and Family at Type-A Parent Bootcamp

I am very lucky to have the chance to attend conferences throughout the year with many different focuses. There are ones that focus on the tech industry, the midlife and beyond world, blogging and special needs. Each conference is full of incredible knowledge, support and friendships. This past weekend was no different.

Cameron sharing his video tips to the kids conference

I had a chance to present with Cameron on video shooting and editing to a kids conference during the Type-A Parent Bootcamp at Walt Disney World. The day-long conference focuses on how bloggers can work with brands. And the funny thing is, I happen to see the view of brands and bloggers. I write here and I work for an organization that has relationships with bloggers. It’s fascinating to participate in both sides and feel the need to learn about both. Getting a chance to hear from experts, be an expert and learn more is incredibly satisfying. My job as AARP’s social media training gives me the ability to pay the bills, attend conferences and continue to teach my quest to encourage digital literacy for all ages. (Seriously, what an awesome job.) But I also want to continue fosting Born Just Right. It is an incredible community (with people like you) and at times, I really want to find ways to earn money to make this site self-sustainable. I’d really love to have the ability to pay additional writers. I don’t think it’s appropriate to profit on the fact Jordan was born with a limb difference. But I would love to give back more to the limb difference and special needs communities. And giving back is sometimes fundraising, like what we do for Camp No Limits. And sometimes giving back is earning enough to spend more to reach more people about Born Just Right’s positive message.

Obviously I’m thinking out loud. But this has been my challenge for the last three or four years. I want to be able to spend more money for Born Just Right, but I often feel uncomfortable earning money for it.

I’m going to keep working on what is right and wrong for our community. I promise you that.

In the meantime, I have to say, it was such an awesome experience presenting to the kids’ conference with Cameron. He spent the last month or so gathering and preparing his favorite video formats and tools. He blogged about many of them during his Spring Break last week and presented it with me while we were at Disney World over the weekend. He’s really excited about the fun ways he captures and edits video so I’m so glad he got a chance to help me share our knowledge.

Tomorrow, I’ll share more details about how we packed in a lifetime of adventures in less than three days at Walt Disney World. Today, I’ll soak in the lessons I learned at the Type-A conference and hopefully we’ll all benefit from them here at Born Just Right. How do you feel about me finding financial resources for this site? Are you comfortable with ads or links? I sometimes work as an ambassador with brands with products that fit my life, is that a comfortable fit for Born Just Right? I’d love to hear what you think!


  1. Emily @ Words I Wheel By on March 31, 2014 at 3:15 pm

    I definitely think that expanding and monetizing, if done well, can be exciting for the blogger AND the readers!

    • Jen Lee Reeves on March 31, 2014 at 4:30 pm

      Thanks, Emily! I certainly want to find a way where everyone wins.

  2. […] in 2014. Cameron and I helped present to a kids camp about mobile video and photography during the Type-A Walt Disney World mini-conference and I moderated a panel on blogging ethics during the main conference in Atlanta. My time at both […]

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