I was two months pregnant on 9/11

I wasn’t even a mom yet when September 11th happened, but I reacted like a parent. I was crushed to see our nation change. Our comfort and ease of our lifestyle ended that day. Sure, we’re still incredibly safe. But travel and concerns changed. I was hard at work in a newsroom that day ten years ago. I didn’t tell anyone I was pregnant. I did my job the best I could that day and cried quietly for a bit in a bathroom stall. I mourned for my unborn child. I mourned for my country. Not long after the attacks, Osama Bin Laden was quickly made by the government and media into a monster who needed to be stopped by any means necessary.

It took almost ten years. Cameron just turned nine. And last night I watched the president announce Osama Bin Laden is dead.

The campus I work at had students partying and celebrating. The scene outside the White House was jubilant. I felt a little differently. I remember 2001. I remember feeling so scared to bring a child into this world. I remember seeing my world differently. In a way, I became a parent on September 11th… It was when I really started thinking about how I would raise my child (and now children). I collected newspapers and magazines and pieces of video to share with Cameron after he was born. I haven’t shown them to him or Jordan at this point. Jordan does not even understand the concept of September 11th. Cameron and I have talked about it, but I have not sat him down and really showed him what happened that day.

This morning, I went into Cameron’s room and asked if he knew who Osama Bin Laden was. He didn’t. So I gave him a short explanation about how Bin Laden was credited as the “mastermind” behind the September 11th attacks. I told him how American military killed him yesterday and how there was an outburst of celebration all across the country while he was sleeping last night. I turned on the news before school (which I never do) to give him a little perspective before he headed off to school. Miss Jordan was confused and I tried to tell her how a person we consider a “bad guy” was killed. She thought it was sad. And really, it is. All of this is really sad. I’m sad I had to talk about any of this. I’m sad September 11th ever happened. It just churns up all of the emotions I felt when I was two months pregnant and suddenly felt like a mom. That deep sense of responsibility. It’s something I’ll never forget… And I guess in a way, I’m not ready to place that full burden on my kids just yet.

I’ll show Cameron my collection some day. Maybe soon. I’m just not sure.


  1. Angela Lechtenberg on May 2, 2011 at 11:42 am

    Jen, I was 4 months pg on Sept. 11. That morning I was going in to get my ultrasound, to see my firstborn for the first time. I too collected media articles to show Connor and my kids also reacted similarly. Interesting post. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Jac on May 2, 2011 at 12:56 pm

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this!

    I was still 7 years away from being a parent yet at the time; but I have kept a few news articles for Skyler over the years for this. While she is only 2 now; this is a hugely significant event of her life!

  3. AdrienneMay on May 2, 2011 at 1:23 pm

    I was in highschool when 9/11 happened. It seems so long ago and yet like yesterday at the same time. My son is 3, he has no idea what is going on… just that we love our troops. And my step-girls-to-be at 8 and 12, and I am sure they will have lots of questions.

  4. Rhiannon on May 2, 2011 at 7:59 pm

    Such a good post, Jen. I am having similar mixed emotions about the announcement, but you articulated them better than I ever could have. Thank you for sharing!

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