How do I throw?

That’s what Jordan asked as we drove to t-ball practice last night. She was admiring her pink catcher’s mitt that I bought a couple of years ago to let her join in on the fun while her brother played ball. I let her know all she had to do was take her mitt off and…

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She's getting big

I know I write this often. I am swamped at work. I’m keeping up with the kids’ worlds but I haven’t had as much time to post blogs. I’m actually handing over the reigns on Jordan’s brother’s blog to Cameron and let him blog on his own. (With my helpful edits.) But today I felt…

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Baseball and movies

Jordan had a very busy weekend. It started with a Friday night trip to the Cardinals. She had an amazing time especially when you consider the fact that she should have been in bed at the time the game started! She loved the hot dog, she loved seeing Fred Bird (she even had his picture…

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Beautiful day

Jordan and her brother had a busy day as usual. We made a trip to church where the kids got to go to their choir practice. The choir leader says Jordan was really into it. She listened and even tried to sing along. I love that. The day started out cool, but it was perfect…

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"I fall down the bed"

Yeah… Jordan is a wigglier sleeper then her brother. Before I went to bed last night, I found her sleeping on the floor of her room – on top of a book. Early this morning I heard her calling my name. I went into her room to find her on the floor again: “Mommy, I…

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Enjoying the baseball season

Jordan got to go to her brother’s first t-ball game last night. She was a little put off by the heavy winds (“There wind in my hair Momma.”). But after a while she was playing with the other younger siblings and chasing after me while I took lots and lots of pictures. The season is…

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She has her own baseball

Here you go… My girl with her first baseball from Busch Stadium. It was hot, I got a sunburn. But she didn’t seem to mind. The hardest part was keeping her hydrated even though she’d been on the BRAT diet. You know: Banana, Rice, Applesauce and Toast. I brought toast, applesauce and bananas along with…

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Baby's first baseball game

Jordan went to her first Cardinals game today… And because her Uncle has a bunch of buddies in the left field bleachers, she got her first major league baseball just like her brother’s first game! My computer is tired, I’m tired… So I’m going to have to upload my favorite picture of the day when…

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