5 Posts You May Have Missed

It hit me earlier this week… This website is FULL of stories and experiences. Way more than anyone can just sit and read through. I should try to go through old posts and help newer readers jump in and learn some of the lessons I’ve already learned inside the special needs and limb different world. I asked some of the Born Just Right readers what they wish I would dig in and reshare. So here’s a list of some of the top posts you may have missed, but you might want to read.

1. My list of lessons I wish someone had told me when Jordan was born.
This post came out of Jordan’s sixth birthday when I took a moment to think back on everything I have learned as a mom to a limb different kid. Knowing that everything is going be okay is important… but there are other tips I hope you’ll read.

2. It’s okay to let our kids feel sad.
One of the hardest things I have done is let Jordan feel sad when she needs to feel sad about her limb difference. I realized this as she was crying right before bedtime when she was three years old.

3. I wouldn’t want Jordan any other way.
In the middle of nowhere, Jordan asked if I wanted a baby with one hand. I needed to be honest and loving and I think I gave her the best possible answer. 

4. I explained why Jordan uses prosthetics.
Choosing to work with prosthetics is a decision your family and your medical support team need to choose. It is not something you should ever feel pressured into by what other families are doing. I wrote some of the reasons why we use prosthetics.

5. Dealing with staring can require patience.
I have mentioned staring and interacting with kids many, many times. The above link was the first time I really wrote about it outright in 2007. But I also discovered Jordan deals with it in different ways… And she’s even surprised at times when she doesn’t have to answer questions or stares. It really is about pushing yourself out of a comfort zone at times and taking risks.

I also have collections of posts about how we built all of Jordan’s prosthetics in Born Just Right’s About page. Please feel free to comment below about other questions and topics you want to learn more about.


  1. Carrie on October 15, 2013 at 2:34 pm

    Loved this recap, Jen. And the flashback cowgirl photo of Jordan. She really is just so darling. Looking forward to keeping up with all of her adventures! And more videos, please! We love them.

    • Jen Lee Reeves on October 15, 2013 at 3:48 pm

      Thanks Carrie. I think I have a pretty good idea for a video. We will post one again soon.

  2. Raelyn on October 17, 2013 at 12:57 pm

    Okay, I haven’t the time just now to read all of these posts. But I want to!! And I will!! But I just read story number two. I love it!! I may have been born with two hands. However. I was also born with some severe birth defects. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia. {A hole in my diaphragm.} And craniosynostosis. {No soft spot.} As resulted from the latter birth defect, where Dr. J. cut open/reconstructed my skull twice, I suffer from learning disabilities. And premature short-term memory loss. Although I enjoyed a wonderful, carefree childhood, it hit me like some military ambush around age 17 that developmentally, I’m different. I then wasted over ten years to self-pity. I was grieving being learning disabled. And. Although I am much stronger now, I still grieve. But I love, love, love to write!! So, I keep a private journal where I write down both positive thoughts–little victories toward self-acceptance, if you will–and negative feelings. Best. Therapy. Ever!! ;-D
    Sorry. Long comment!! ;-/

  3. Madhuri on December 6, 2015 at 10:26 am

    Hi. Very Happy to see her. Plz send the pictures of her when she start moving on toes bcoz I am having same bahy . now he is 6 months

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