Breaking news

When Randy and I weren’t looking, Jordan pulled up into standing all by herself onto a big block toy. This is a picture of the toy. I bought it for Cam when he was little… And he never really took a serious liking to it. But Jordan digs it… And here’s a funny thing: Cameron…

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The holidays are here

After the big storm, we’ve been delayed on decorating… But yesterday we turned on the holiday music, put up the tree and turned on all kinds of lights outside in the front yard. Jordan seemed to have a lot of fun pulling ornaments off the tree. She won’t keep a santa hat on… But I…

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Quick update

Every night I have a little time to prepare pictures or write something about the kids online. Obviously I haven’t done as much of that lately. Why? I’m trying to figure out the right way to save the almost 8,000 pictures I’ve taken in the last couple of years. If you visit our Flickr site,…

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Baby's first snow

Snow Bunny Originally uploaded by Jen Reeves. Man, the snow that hit our part of the country has kept me very, very busy. So I’m finally going to catch you up on Jordan’s many adventures in the past many days. First, we had a lot of snow. Way more than our town can handle. So…

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