Getting over the ickies

So I took Jordan and Cam to church on Sunday. Jordan was drippy, but nothing too bad. Later that day, she started another fever. I felt bad for her, she was sleepy but not acting too strange. I put her to bed a bit early… But once again, no big deal. So around midnight I…

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The drip continues

I’m sure my discussion of snot is relatively non-stop when I write about Jordan. Poor kid is battling this cold. I was hoping it was going away so I could take the kids to see their uncle… But she woke up with a low-grade fever and it didn’t want to go away all day. She…

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Snotty and drippy

Poor baby.The little cold that Jordan seemed to have yesterday turned into an all around snotfest today. It wasn’t pretty. And as usual, she put up with it pretty well except for: THE NOSE WIPE. It’s like we’re killing her. She had a great PT session. You should see her try to pull up on…

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No luck on picture day

I don’t know why picture day is such drama for us in the Reeves family. But yesterday didn’t work out for us on Cam’s picture day. And today didn’t go perfectly for Jordan. I tried so hard to make it work for her. Here’s the story: Jordan woke up early with a little cold. No…

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Skinny girl

Jordan had her 9 month old check up today… and it turns out that she isn’t gaining much wieght lately. She’s holding at 18 pounds… And that moves her down from the 50th percentile to the 30th. But her height went from 50th to 70th! So she’s tall and skinny. That’s not quite worrisome, but…

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I'm so bummed

So Randy wanted to mulch up the leaves in the yard… So I told him to hold off on doing the leaves in the front yard. I wanted to get the kids’ pictures with the leaves and why not do it before it gets too cold outside? So I exhaustedly piled up the leaves into…

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Growing every day

Baby hand Originally uploaded by Jen. I took a picture of Jordan’s hand… She’s SO big. 35 weeks ago, I took a similar picture and she was so tiny in comparison. So here’s the big development this week: pulling. Yesterday at school, her teachers watched her try to pull up on everything. She actually stood…

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Eating and eating and eating

I’m not exactly sure when my baby turned into a big eating kind of kid… but yesterday she was snarfing down peas and chicken pieces all by herself. She chowed down on cheerios and peaches this morning… And at lunch she LOVED her veggie soup. She loved it so much, it was all over her…

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Day off

Chewing on paper Originally uploaded by Jen. Jordan picked up a very odd rash yesterday while she was at school. It was strange enough that the doctors thought we should take a day off and let me stare at her all day. So we’re doing just that. I’m including this picture just because Randy and…

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