The fittings just keep going

So we had another fitting today for Jordan’s arm. She was so good… The test socket is made of a plastic form that kind of moves around like a soda bottle — it’s thicker, but very similar in how it stretches and bends. Actually, it’s kind of the thickness of a Livestrong bracelet. I digress.…

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Fitting Day

Jordan survived another fitting. Instead of waiting and doing another fitting on the same day, we’re going back on Monday to do a final fitting before they build the actual arm. I keep wanting to write more about her visit… But I keep getting dragged into taking care of the kids, or the house or…

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Go girl!

So I mentioned to the OT that Jordan tried to grab onto something with her hand and arm over the weekend… So we worked on that skill today. SHE ROCKED! She’s figuring out that if you reach further out with her hand and meet up with her little arm, she can hold onto things. I’m…

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