Finding her way

For the past week, Jordan has had many, many chances to swim and it’s been great to see her go from a nervous water kid to a brave risk taker. Luckily she has a life guard or a swim teacher or a doting mother watching her at every moment. My proudest moment was watching Jordan volunteer to jump into the deep end. (Where a swim teacher caught her… Swimming is a lot like riding a two-wheeler bike, it’s all your state of confidence.)
She’s getting brave and learning skills. I’m so excited. I’ve had a few people on our Facebook page ask if Jordan is wearing her helper arm while she swims. So far, she’s doing great learning without it on. She tells me she’s interested in seeing what it’s like swimming with it on after she’s better at swimming. But for now, she’s figuring it out. She’s doing great. Summer is super fun.

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