Here you go

This video is kind of painful. The cry is brutal. It’s also for show. Notice how she turns it off on the turn of a dime. If you can’t watch it, click here.

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She doesn't like to be told what to do

Jordan has a new habit of throwing her food to the dogs. Usually she starts when she isn’t hungry anymore. This morning she started throwing the food before she even ate it. I caught her and told her to stop throwing with a stern voice. And she started crying like I beat her to a…

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Can someone turn down the volume?

Jordan needs more words. She desperately needs more words. She was doing pretty well with her sign language, but her hands can’t demand a toy, item or food as well as screaming. It’s high pitched, loud and mind bending. I’m usually pretty patient about this kind of stuff. But tonight I took her out of…

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Busy weekend

I had all kinds of moments this weekend where I wanted to take pictures of Jordan and Cam… But Randy and I decided to actually move into our house almost 4 years since we moved here. We took apart the non-public side of our basement — where the laundry piles up and boxes have sat…

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I think we're funny

Dude. Where’s my arm? Originally uploaded by Jen. I love this t-shirt. It makes me happy. I’ve waited for Jordan to grow into it and immediately made her play on the floor so I could take a picture. Silly me. Jordan was up really late Wednesday night, so she slept in late. Past 9am! I…

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She can taunt

This morning I watched Jordan joyfully taunt the pug with a Cheerio. She held it out from her high chair and lured the dog closer. Then she pulled the Cheerio away while giggling. She did it again. He got closer. She pulled pack. She taunted him until he jumped up onto the high chair, sniffed…

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Great day

Jordan did such a fantastic job in therapy today. She climbed up and down the little step between the living room and the foyer many times with her arm off and on. AWESOME! She’s getting braver and braver! It makes me so proud to watch her. We figured out how to get her to do…

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My lovely Valentine

Hanging at a Valentine’s party Originally uploaded by Jen. Jordan had her second Valentine’s Day… This time she got to have a classroom party. She was fashionable and enjoyed the yummy sugar. But thanks to a very short nap, she was pretty darn cranky and clingy when I took her to Cam’s party. Not a…

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A big step

Jordan climbed onto the bottom step in the basement this morning. I had the phone on the fourth step, and she was trying to go after it. She was on her knees reaching when I noticed. She was stable, but when she decided she needed to get down, she wasn’t sure what to do. I…

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Baby's first haircut

Hair before and after Originally uploaded by Jen. Jordan is done with her baby mullet. Today her Poppy trimmed her hair for the first time. She was pretty darn good sitting on my lap, eating cheesy bunnies. She was so good! The funny thing is her thin hair… It’s so fine that it was hard…

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