Problem Solver

Jordan was really brave at a St. Louis play area called the City Museum. It’s hard to explain the spot – it’s full of climbing. There are slides, there are balls, there are tunnels. It’s kind of scary for a mom… And it was kind of scary for a little girl who has recently shown some signs of risk aversion — which is very new. So when she threw herself into a pit of huge balls, I was impressed with how happy she was from the experience. At some point she got herself to the very back of the pit and demanded I come in and get her.

I said she could do it by herself.

SO… She figured out how to climb to the edge of the ball pit and slowly edged her way out. She didn’t whine or complain. Just got out carefully. I am a proud Mom.

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  1. Jamiegp on April 12, 2010 at 9:11 pm

    And a great picture…

  2. Trisha W on April 13, 2010 at 8:45 am

    I would have made you come in after me!! 🙂

    I was hoping to take Ashlyn to this the last time we were in St. Louis, but they are closed on Mondays, as was the Magic House. So we didn’t get to enjoy either of them. Maybe next time. The pictures of the museum looked very scary to me with the cage-like tunnels off of the airplane. Ashlyn would probably show no fear but I’d be trembling from head to toe. 🙂

    • NerdyMom on April 13, 2010 at 11:53 am

      Seriously! It’s a scary place. My son is 8 and it was perfect for him. He took risks I’ve never seen him take. But a lot of it was too big and scary for a kid Jordan’s age. The Magic House is AMAZING. We’re members there because we love it so much!

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